What is the INplant Surgical Mentorship Program?
The INplant Surgical Mentorship Program is designed to give the general practitioner the knowledge, skill, and confidence to successfully integrate atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, sinus augmentation implant surgery and guided implant surgery into their practice. The didactic portion gives the practitioner the necessary biological basis for predictable clinical outcomes. The hands-on training develops proficiency in the surgical procedures. But the chair-side* mentorship is what gives the confidence necessary to actualize the skills gained into everyday practice.
All of our Surgical Mentorship courses offer a comprehensive didactic lecture series, hands-on components, and the Implant Mentorship program included an in-office, chair-side mentorship day.
What makes our courses different?
Looking at the plethora of implant courses available, most courses have you leave your practice for a number of days, sit through lectures, practice on plastic jaws, and go home. Others have you travel to third world countries and place 20 implants on patients with minimal to no planning. Returning from these courses, many colleagues have told us that they still lack the knowledge and confidence to start planning and placing implants in their practice the following Monday morning. We strive to provide you the skills and knowledge to return to your practice with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement what you learned immediately.
Return on investment
Our system has had great success imparting the knowledge necessary, with the critical one on one guidance, to successfully integrate implant surgery into the participants’ practice. In order to facilitate this, we include a full day of implants placed together in your office in the course fee. The fees for these implants placed and restored in your office give a built in ROI.
Learn. Collaborate.
Integrate new skills into your practice.
Our goal is to give the practitioner the knowledge, skill, and confidence to add atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, surgical guide printing, sinus augmentation and surgical implant placement to their day to day practice. This allows for ideal prosthetic treatment planning and surgical placement to best support a restoration.
You will learn to properly diagnose, plan, and execute treatment for optimal outcomes. Implementation of the education gained in the course especially in the comfort and familiarity of your office is key to fully integrate the procedure into your practice. This helps both you and your staff conquer the fear of a new procedure.

Gain the Knowledge, Skill, and Confidence in:
CE Earned: 8 Credits
Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Format: Lecture and Hands-On
Fee: $995
Conventional extraction techniques often result in reduced bone height and width, with associated esthetic and functional deficits. Learn how to remove the most difficult root tips predictably, with minimal trauma and loss of hard and soft tissue. By applying these newly developed techniques, instruments, and materials, you will learn to perform simple and predictable grafting procedures to maintain and augment bone as well as attached gingiva in and around the healing socket.
This one day course provides an overview of head and neck anatomy pertinent to socket preservation and guided bone regeneration, the biology of wound healing, surgical techniques and platelet rich plasma. This course presents the protocols for atraumatic tooth removal and ridge preservation. These surgical procedures will be taught by Dr. Mikhli with clinically proven step-by-step techniques.
Sinus Augmentation - Add Sinus Grafting to Your Practice
CE Earned: 3 Credits
Hours: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Format: Lecture and Hands-On
Fee: $295
This lecture and hands-on course will introduce participants to specific procedures for augmentation of the maxillary sinus including direct and indirect sinus lifts. Lecture topics for this course will include patient selection, radiographic evaluation, treatment planning, graft material selection, surgical techniques for indirect and direct sinus augmentation procedures and potential complications.
Surgical videos and patient presentations will be used to demonstrate the clinical techniques. The hands-on session will utilize Ovis Aries specimens that will give the participant the closest possible experience to live surgery.
Dr. Mikhli will show you how to properly perform a crestal sinus lift. The combination of lecture and hands-on experience will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to implement Crestal Sinus Augmentation into your practice.
Guided Implant Surgery - The Future is Now
CE Earned: 9 Credits
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Format: Lecture and Hands-On
Fee: $995
If you place dental implants, don’t miss this course! You will learn step-by-step how to produce an accurate surgical guide based on a CBCT image for $50 or less in your office. This is a hands-on participation program. Participants will learn to design and assimilate data to print custom implant surgical guides on 3D printers.
Using the latest 3D printing technology, you can fabricate a CBCT-based guide in your office; and, for most cases, you can do this cost effectively. Place a single implant in 10 minutes using this fully guided technique to drill every step and even place the implant through the guide. This technique can be used with any implant. Use your current implant system.
Dr. Mikhli will show you how and where to acquire free software and then teach you the technique to make the guide. Also, learn how to produce accurate surgical models to practice surgical procedures or use for patient education. Participants will see how user friendly the software is and how it can be incorporated into their daily practice.
2 Day Implant Mentorship Course + 1 Day In-Office Mentorship -
Place Implants in Your Practice
CE Earned: 24 Credits
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(Over two days and 8 hours in office)
Format: Lecture and Hands-On
Fee: $2595
2 Day Implant Mentorship
General dentists have the skill to place and restore implants! In most cases, implant placement can be easier than many other dental procedures. Dr. Mikhli will teach you simple, effective and reliable techniques for planning, placing and restoring dental implants so you can get started in your own practice immediately.
This innovative 16-hour participation CE course taught by Dr. Robert Mikhli will give you the skills you need to begin offering a new and productive treatment with the best restorative outcomes to your patients today!
Participants will learn implant placement during the hands-on session and watch live surgery at the office of Dr. Mikhli so you can see exactly how to incorporate dental implants into every dental practice. Additionally, the participant will be able to place implants on their own patients during the chair-side mentorship with Dr. Mikhli.
Whether you are a beginner or a dentist frustrated with other implant courses you have taken, with this course, you will be able to significantly expand and dramatically increase your office production with these new implant services integrated seamlessly into your practice.
1 Day In-Office Mentorship
• Place implants in your office on your patients**
• In-office implant marketing strategies with your staff
• Dental assistant training in surgical assisting and sterilizations techniques
* Scheduled upon completion of INplant Mentorship Program, Level 1 course.
** Scheduling will be coordinated between INplant Mentor Dentist and Practice for up to 8 hours in a single day.